Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Why should the Devil have all the good music

We all know what Gospel music is, but why is it called Gospel? The word is derived from 'God' and 'spel', an old English word for story. The word first appeared in print in 1874 with the publication of ‘Gospel Songs’ by Philip Bliss.

While this dichotomy existed for some there were many back in the first half of the twentieth century, who knew absolutely where they sat, they were very definitely in the Lord’s house. Everything and anything happening in the jukes, barrelhouses, vaudeville theatres or tents, in fact anywhere the Blues were heard was the Devil’s work, pure and simple.
“I'll tell you that, I never sung the blues because we sing by inspiration. God is who we serve, he makes us feel. We don't need no drugs, we don't need no nothing to hype us up, we just sing, by the spirit of God.”
Clarence Fountain
The Five Blind Boys of Alabama

If you've never heard the 5 Blind Boys of Alabama check them out - brilliant. Some others to look into, The Sounds of Blackness, The Four Internes, Take Six, Clara Ward Singers, Violinaires and the Soul Stirers.

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